How Many Chickens Does a Family of 4 Need

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How many chickens would yous demand to keep to supply all the meat and eggs your family eats?
- Thread starter Shadrach
- Start date
- #1

Have a family of 4. I'm going to take an arbitrary minimum of one chicken per person per calendar week equally the point where one can nonetheless call oneself a regular eater of meat. This if managed correct could supply roughly four servings of meat cuts per person per week, providing roughly 30 grams of poly peptide per serving. Y'all may be able to increment this by one more serving by making full apply of the bird by making a broth/stew.
There are diverse estimates depending on size and body office for the amount of protein in a chicken.
I've taken 140 grams of protein per bird as a reasonable judge if the unabridged chicken is eaten.
The recommended amount of poly peptide per day for the average adult is 50/threescore grams.
So eating 1 chicken per week per person volition supply you with one-half your protein requirements for four days to 5 days.
And so, for one person this amounts to 52 chickens a year to cover their meat consumption (only eating chicken meat reared at home).
For a family of four that's 208 chickens per twelvemonth.
If you are primarily a meat eater and you desire to supply your own meat and make whatever realistic claims about non supporting the meat manufacture you lot could be looking at 400+ chickens a year just to provide half your protein requirements from chicken meat.
While it is possible to supervene upon 400 chickens each year from say a hatchery the more ethical and sensible approach would be to accept a self sustaining flock. This mean rooster and some stock to breed adjacent years chickens from; say a minimum of a further 100 hens going broody each twelvemonth and producing 4 chicks per hen, plus of course the roosters needed to fertilize the eggs.
That gives a flock size of roughly 500 chickens to supply a bit over one-half a families protein from meat requirement each year.
So, a question for those who claim they are keeping chickens to put meat on the table for their family.
How many chickens do you keep?
My view, the claims near providing for the family and non supporting the meat industry are cocky righteous delusional nonsense....unless of class y'all have 500 chickens.
Yes, every little helps but the to a higher place should show merely how modest a contribution a lawn flock of say 10 chickens makes to the reduction of commercially produced chicken meat. Basically it'south insignificant.
There is a noticeable split up when discussions on BYC go a bit heated between those who say they view their chickens as pets and those who oftentimes endeavour to take the higher ground by calling them livestock for providing food for the family.
The numbers say that for people like myself who kill and eat the occasional craven; for me I think the average is five a year, the deviation we make to the reduction of commercially produced meant and all the ethical fence surrounding it is in reality non existent.
It may be possible to supply a family of four with all the eggs they eat in a year with a small-scale lawn flock.
An egg a twenty-four hour period per person works out as 28 eggs every week 52 weeks of the yr. That's 1456 eggs a year. Each egg will requite on average 6 grams of protein, roughly i tenth of your poly peptide requirements per day. That' due south rougly 6 hens capable of laying 250 eggs per year, every year for their lifespan.
Assuming the above figures are reasonable then the claims that backyard chicken keeping has whatever touch on the large commercial production of eggs and meat looks unrealistic to put it politely.
- #two
- #3
Thank you! I just had a weight lifted off my shoulders.I read a lot of posts where people say they go along chickens so they can supply meat and eggs for their families.Take a family of four. I'm going to accept an arbitrary minimum of one chicken per person per week every bit the signal where i can nonetheless call oneself a regular eater of meat. This if managed right could supply roughly 4 servings of meat cuts per person per week, providing roughly xxx grams of protein per serving. You may be able to increment this by ane more than serving by making full utilise of the bird by making a goop/stew.
There are diverse estimates depending on size and body part for the amount of protein in a craven.
I've taken 140 grams of protein per bird every bit a reasonable estimate if the entire chicken is eaten.
The recommended amount of protein per twenty-four hour period for the average adult is 50/60 grams.
So eating i craven per week per person will supply yous with half your protein requirements for four days to five days.
And then, for one person this amounts to 52 chickens a year to comprehend their meat consumption (merely eating craven meat reared at dwelling house).
For a family of four that's 208 chickens per year.
If yous are primarily a meat eater and yous want to supply your own meat and make whatever realistic claims nigh non supporting the meat industry you could be looking at 400+ chickens a year just to provide half your protein requirements from chicken meat.
While it is possible to replace 400 chickens each year from say a hatchery the more upstanding and sensible approach would be to have a self sustaining flock. This hateful rooster and some stock to breed next years chickens from; say a minimum of a further 100 hens going broody each year and producing iv chicks per hen, plus of course the roosters needed to fertilize the eggs.
That gives a flock size of roughly 500 chickens to supply a scrap over half a families protein from meat requirement each year.
So, a question for those who claim they are keeping chickens to put meat on the table for their family.
How many chickens do you keep?My view, the claims nigh providing for the family and not supporting the meat industry are cocky righteous delusional nonsense....unless of form you have 500 chickens.
Yep, every petty helps but the above should testify just how pocket-size a contribution a backyard flock of say ten chickens makes to the reduction of commercially produced craven meat. Basically it's insignificant.
There is a noticeable divide when discussions on BYC go a bit heated between those who say they view their chickens equally pets and those who ofttimes try to take the college ground by calling them livestock for providing food for the family unit.
The numbers say that for people like myself who kill and consume the occasional chicken; for me I call back the boilerplate is five a year, the difference we brand to the reduction of commercially produced meant and all the ethical debate surrounding it is in reality non existent.
Information technology may be possible to supply a family unit of four with all the eggs they consume in a twelvemonth with a pocket-sized backyard flock.
An egg a day per person works out as 28 eggs every week 52 weeks of the year. That's 1456 eggs a year. Each egg will give on average half-dozen grams of poly peptide, roughly one tenth of your protein requirements per twenty-four hour period. That' s rougly vi hens capable of laying 250 eggs per year, every year for their lifespan.
Assuming the higher up figures are reasonable then the claims that backyard chicken keeping has any impact on the large commercial product of eggs and meat looks unrealistic to put it politely.
I started chickens exactly 2 year agone. The impetus was commencement and mainly for fertilizer for my relatively new at the time garden. 2nd reason was obviously for eggs. 3rd was meat. I grew upward watching my uncles and father butcher the evening meal. These 3 reasons were presented to the family to convince them. It worked, just only until the first birds arrived. I realized I didn't have it in me to eat these sweethearts. Over the 2 years everyone has a favorite craven they know they could never swallow. I've felt guilty thinking I misrepresented my intentions, for not following through with the entire plan, and felt I was doing something wrong according to those that say chickens should exist meat, not pets. Obviously I know chickens are meat since that was the program. I at present believe that, like many activities in life, you demand to be a certain type of person to not make them pets. (Example: some people should/could never go a nurse).
The numbers here show me that with my limited flock I need to settle on fertilizer and eggs. And I'm fine with that. I'm downright happy with that.
- #4
- #5

BY Bob
Proprietor, Fluffy Barrel Acres
As my male parent was unemployed, these chickens were essential to supplementing our nutrient supply for a family of v. However there was absolutely no way we could have built a sustaining flock to supply all of our poly peptide needs.
- #6

it's about making a difference for you and your family. It's about calculation upwards small differences from multiple people over time to create watershed moments where change starts to happen. Somewhen you're at 1 percent of people, then 2. At five per centum, certain companies will take observe, and 20, a lot more will.
the amount depends on what kinds of chicken yous are raising, besides. I'd need 5 plus chickens per week if they were dual purpose, but just 2 hybrid broilers.... I have not replaced all of my protein sources overall with my chicken, merely, I have stopped eating whatsoever chicken but the ones what I raise. So that's been nigh 100 chickens for the yr for two of u.s. and a toddler.
eggs I have found that nosotros could go on ourselves fed from half-dozen heritage hens IF nosotros did something similar freeze them in the summer for the molting flavor. We typically swallow peradventure not quite an egg a day per person.
- #7
I read a lot of posts where people say they keep chickens then they can supply meat and eggs for their families.Take a family of 4. I'chiliad going to take an arbitrary minimum of 1 craven per person per week as the signal where one can still telephone call oneself a regular eater of meat. This if managed right could supply roughly iv servings of meat cuts per person per calendar week, providing roughly 30 grams of protein per serving. You may be able to increase this past one more serving by making full utilise of the bird by making a broth/stew.
There are various estimates depending on size and body part for the corporeality of protein in a craven.
I've taken 140 grams of protein per bird equally a reasonable approximate if the entire chicken is eaten.
The recommended amount of poly peptide per day for the average adult is 50/threescore grams.
So eating one chicken per week per person will supply you with one-half your protein requirements for four days to five days.
And so, for one person this amounts to 52 chickens a year to embrace their meat consumption (simply eating chicken meat reared at home).
For a family of four that's 208 chickens per year.
If yous are primarily a meat eater and you want to supply your own meat and brand any realistic claims about not supporting the meat industry you could be looking at 400+ chickens a year but to provide half your poly peptide requirements from chicken meat.
While it is possible to replace 400 chickens each year from say a hatchery the more ethical and sensible approach would be to accept a self sustaining flock. This mean rooster and some stock to breed adjacent years chickens from; say a minimum of a farther 100 hens going broody each year and producing iv chicks per hen, plus of course the roosters needed to fertilize the eggs.
That gives a flock size of roughly 500 chickens to supply a chip over half a families protein from meat requirement each twelvemonth.
And so, a question for those who claim they are keeping chickens to put meat on the table for their family unit.
How many chickens do yous keep?My view, the claims about providing for the family and not supporting the meat industry are self righteous delusional nonsense....unless of course you have 500 chickens.
Yes, every petty helps but the higher up should prove only how small a contribution a backyard flock of say 10 chickens makes to the reduction of commercially produced craven meat. Basically it's insignificant.
There is a noticeable divide when discussions on BYC get a scrap heated between those who say they view their chickens equally pets and those who often endeavor to have the higher ground by calling them livestock for providing food for the family.
The numbers say that for people similar myself who kill and swallow the occasional craven; for me I call back the average is v a year, the difference we make to the reduction of commercially produced meant and all the ethical argue surrounding information technology is in reality non existent.
It may exist possible to supply a family of four with all the eggs they consume in a year with a minor backyard flock.
An egg a solar day per person works out every bit 28 eggs every week 52 weeks of the year. That'due south 1456 eggs a year. Each egg will give on average six grams of poly peptide, roughly one tenth of your protein requirements per day. That' s rougly 6 hens capable of laying 250 eggs per year, every yr for their lifespan.
Assuming the above figures are reasonable then the claims that backyard craven keeping has any impact on the large commercial production of eggs and meat looks unrealistic to put it politely.
Just wanted to say thanks for working out the math for me.... the numbers get a bit mind extraordinary! Look similar I need to build a MUCH bigger coop!
- #eight
We plan on butchering 19 of these 21 chicks considering I am keeping some for eggs. We are going to enhance Quail, turkeys, and meat ducks every bit well. We oasis't completely figured out the numbers for our family unit withal, but I am keeping track starting the first of January.
I'll exist posting at the terminate of next year how much our family unit has consumed and how much nosotros had to buy at the grocery shop.
- #nine

Past Bob
Proprietor, Fluffy Butt Acres
I have 21 meat chicks, we are a family of four... A family of ix if you count the meat eating animals too.Nosotros plan on butchering 19 of these 21 chicks because I am keeping some for eggs. We are going to heighten Quail, turkeys, and meat ducks as well. Nosotros haven't completely figured out the numbers for our family unit withal, merely I am keeping track starting the start of January.
I'll exist posting at the terminate of next year how much our family has consumed and how much we had to purchase at the grocery store.
- #x
I was planning on starting it correct around Christmas fourth dimension this year and posting every few weeks what's going on. I'm documenting everything from the chickens that I have crossed from my own flock to go meat chickens from weights and the corporeality of nutrient they consume.Delight tag me when y'all practise mail your results. I will exist fascinated to meet how it turns out.
I should be getting my turkeys in March and the quail I will be doing them January. It'll be a fun process.
I'll even put the cost of what information technology cost me to raise them and what it would have price me to become it at the grocery shop.
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